Urban Leaves India: February 2019

Sunday, 17 February 2019


We kicked off our yearly Mini-Workshop Series this month, for beginners wishing to embark on the journey of growing their own food in limited urban spaces. The workshops are all inter-connected and participants would benefit from attending all of them. 

We now present a Compost-Your-Kitchen-Waste Mini-Workshop where you will learn the practicals of composting with a low-cost kit that can be put together at home. 

Change the way you look at veggie scraps generated in your kitchen ... a great resource and not a discard ... and start composting your kitchen waste.  Many of us have begun composting with all green intentions at heart and then given up halfway, due to not being able to deal with few problems associated with the process - offensive smell, fruit flies, worms, compost becoming yucky with leaked leachate staining floors, to name a few. 

We at Urban Leaves, have worked on simplifying the process for homes.The method endeavours at imitating nature; uses naturally available material and does not use bio-enzymes or worms. If followed to the detail, it promises to fill your senses and your soul with the divine fragrance of rich, earthy compost that pampers your plants and keeps you control of the inputs that go into growing your own food. 

Sunday the 24th of February, 2019

8.30 a.m. to 10.30 am
8.15 a.m. is the reporting time 

UL_DBPH Roof-top Community Farm
Don Bosco Provincial House Terrace, 
Don Bosco School Campus, Matunga (East), 
Mumbai – 400017
One has to walk up a flight of stairs from the 4th floor  to reach  the terrace. Session will be conducted in Gurukul style. 

Things you will need: 
Notebook and pencil, a carry bag for take-home souvenirs, cap for the sun, a bottle of water and a snack in case you get hungry.

Age Eligibility:
Above 10 years

Contribution towards session:
Rs 500/- per session can be given on the workshop day. Do drop in a mail to urbanleaves@gmail.com so that we expect you and make necessary arrangements. 

Monday, 4 February 2019


We are back with a classic in a mini-workshop format.

Nutrition in Small Spaces - Window-sill to Plate

 A Micro-Greens Workshop where you will learn how to grow and use microgreens. You will also get a mini-Amrut-Mitti pack to kick start your micro-green experience.

Sunday the 10th of February, 2019

8.30 a.m. to 10.30 am
8.15 a.m. is the reporting time 

UL_DBPH Roof-top Community Farm
Don Bosco Provincial House Terrace, 
Don Bosco School Campus, 
Matunga (East), 
Mumbai – 400017
One has to walk up a flight of stairs from the 4th floor  to reach  the terrace. Session will be conducted in Gurukul style. 

Things you will need: 
Notebook and pencil, a carry bag for take-home souvenirs, cap for the sun, a bottle of water and a snack in case you get hungry.

Age Eligibility:
Above 10 years

Contribution towards session:
Rs 500/- per session can be given on the workshop day. Do drop in a mail to urbanleaves@gmail.com so that we expect you and make necessary arrangements.