Urban Leaves India: Mission and Vision

Saturday 15 August 2009

Mission and Vision

The Vision:
We came from villages to the city and left our roots behind.
We grew fresh roots  by covering cities with urban farms,
A small haven lies right next to us that we can call our very own,
Spreading smiles from Urban Leaves to farthest ends of the globe.
                                                                                                     -- Uday Acharya

During the course of these 9 years at developing the terrace garden at MbPT, I came across so many like minded people and shared a deep bond with them. With all the talk of global warming, food insecurity,the threat of GM crops,farmer suicides, garbage problems in the city, pollution,vanishing of green spaces, rising stress levels we felt it was time to "walk the talk".Urban Leaves was born under the aegis of "Vidya Varidhi Trust" in my drawing room one such evening when I sat down with a few of my close friends. 

We didn't really have much to start with except a sincere wish to see as many green terraces in Mumbai as possible, a committed heart, and wonderful friendships always inspiring and supportive of our endeavors and our failures.

We hope that in time to come we can

  • support creation of urban farms
  • bring nature close to people
  • create more topsoil which is fast vanishing
  • inspire people to see the benefits of eating local, organic,natural 
  • help prevent global warming
  • increase bio diversity
  • learn and share sustainable lifestyles

Come! Won't you join us! A small initiative, will go a long way in saving mother earth!