In spite of the heavy rains we saw a wonderful turnout
for the workshop!
Great photos : courtesy Aditi and Prajakta
The entrance to the auditorium at MNP
The participants tried to hop, skip, jump and find their way into the auditorium. Why so?
There are four entrances to the auditorium.The two front entrances were covered from top to bottom by plastic waste and elastic rubber. After everyone settled down,a short discussion on perception of the participants on the above followed. The blocked entrances signified a finite boundary. Just like Earth which has a finite boundary, beyond which we cannot go.
The shortest and easiest route was full of plastic, and crap which people use, throw and collect in their environment. The longest route was open without hurdles, surrounded by greenery, but alas not much used!
In our daily lives too, each of us are given choices of the path we can take.Sometimes we have to go away from the path most used to find our way to the sustainable destination.

Neesha gave a welcome and introduction to the
program and demonstrated some warm up activities
for the participants. She brought the group together
with a song of the earth.
Monisha began her talk with a presentation on
waste and her experiences at Dharavi. Some
of the interactions and presentations are noted here:
What is Waste:
W orthless, toxic
A dverse
S melly
T hrow away
E eeky
Today Dharavi the hub of waste recycling in Mumbai is considered a - flourishing industry, Energy efficient as the people who work there do so in dark dingy spaces without any light connection, Low labor, low cost, as most of them are children.
But ecologically can it be called as flourishing? Toxic products, Water and other products recycled without purifying can be dangerous to the already polluted environment. Products need to be ecologically mapped with Carbon footprint indicated on every label.
Facts about Mumbai Mahanagarpalika ( The Municipal Corporation)
15 million residents in Mumbai
6500 tons solid waste
2500 construction waste
983 municipal and private vehicles- 1400 trips
30000 man power
1000 crore budget
Each truck uses fuel – and the cost is paid by you.
There are 3 landfills in Mumbai – Gorai (unused now), Mulund and Deonar. A new one is planned at Kanjur Marg.
At Deonar: Plastic bags, shoes, batteries are heaped up at the landfills. The garbage is 20 feet deep and 30 feet high. Methane gas - Smelly chokes the nostrils. People look like dolls. Bottles are segregated here and recycled.
Life span of waste
Banana Peel: 3-4 weeks
Paper bags: 1 month
Cotton bags: 5 months.
Woollen socks” 1 year
Wood: 15 years
Nylon: 30 years
Leather: 50 years
Tin cans: 250 years
Plastic: 10 lakh years
Glass: 10 lakh years (100% recyclable)
Styrofoam: Eternity – Highly Toxic.
Burning waste is more toxic. Polymers of plastic release methane when heated. Try pouring hot tea in a plastic pouch and see the effect.
Vishal one of the volunteers with RUR informed: “Burning plastic releases methane, ethane, hydrocarbon gases like CO and CO2 . Poly ethelene PET bottles are reused but not recyclable. Reliance recycles these bottles nowadays into clothing.”
Knowing the ecological footprint of mineral water bottles, it is good to avoid buying mineral water. You can survive without it.
Plastic absorbs, transports and releases pollutants
Garbage can form islands –
The great garbage patch. Watch the harsh reality.
How do we love the earth?
Poem written by the RUR team was read out
One which made many eyes moist.
“Landfill” Live
Me and my friends from RUR
Went on a trip to Deonar
Not a tree in sight , Not a bird to hear
Only stench that warns us not to go near
A bird flies by along a plane,
choked by deadly Methane
Buffaloes grazing on the brink
Wonder, is that the milk we drink?
Few of us are bold to climb
To reach the top of that grime
The Green BMC trucks , The Yellow Earth Movers
Dot the skyline!
We see many little rag pickers
Smile for our camera flickers
From plastic packets to shoe soles
It pinches to see our earths decaying soul
What a waste of waste?
Its our little ones future we kill
Why Cant we live without a landfill?
What is the root of the problem? Where does the solution lie? Watch the film. The story of stuff.
What is the root of the problem? Where does the solution lie? Watch the film. The story of stuff.
Please Reduce, Reuse,Recycle.
Demo on home composting followed:
Our experience in home composting has been successful. Home composting imitates nature. In the jungle, this process is natural. Organic waste becomes soil. The waste is composted by micro organisms. This is the cycle of waste.
1. Aerated compost bin. Bins require aeration. Investment can be anything between Rs 50/- for a plastic bucket to 1500 for a fancy pot. Use plastic buckets with holes at bottom or perforated containers. (Add worms). Put wet waste in these containers. (Heated screw driver is ideal for making holes in plastic). Size of bucket depends on number of people staying in the house.
Bucket is placed in a window grill
3. ATM is the key– Ensure Air Temperature Moisture Balance
4. Add wet waste daily (chop up waste with knife or scissors)
5. Add dry waste like leaves, sawdust, dung 2ce a week
6. Mix the layers once daily . (organic enzymes may be used to quicken the decomposition)
M Maggots may appear in the mixture. Smells may come. Keep the mixture covered and sufficiently away at a distance from you. Maggots like their food, they wont come to you.
There is no danger to health. At most fruit flies may come if you are careless. Chop waste finely to avoid fruit flies.
The session ended with a live demo on how to make
recycled paper from used TETRA PAK Packages
The participant green kits included a reuseable RUR cloth bag,
with a notebook recycled from used TETRA PAK Packages
Many Thanks to the whole team of RUR for
making this a success. It shows how concerned
dedicated mothers can make a difference to
make the world a better place for their children.