Urban Leaves India: Little ones volunteer at City Farm - photo diary 12.12.10

Sunday 12 December 2010

Little ones volunteer at City Farm - photo diary 12.12.10

Sunday early morning, on 12.12.10 Urban Leaves members had visitor volunteers. The little ones had woken up excitedly without their mothers having to cajole them out of beds on a winter Sunday morning and come prepared for a session of gardening, all with their gardening tools!

There was excited chatter and ooohs and aaahhs at the sight of centipede and earthworms and caterpillars!

seeds of chana

The little hands helped us in turning the Amrut Mitti beds, sowing seeds for greening and later went for a tour of the Nature Park for a Nature Trail with Juilius.
                      The children took back Seeds of Bhendi and Tomato in cups of Amrut Mitti!

Remember how it looked in the rains?

Sunday was also a great day for excitement for all of us! We harvested the first Yam! And what a Yam! It weighted more than a kilo!

Nirmala and others was soooo excited!

The Yam - Suran was cut and shared by us! I came home.steamed it, added salt and lime juice and YUMMY! So tender and sweet! Never in my life have I tasted a sweeter Yam!

Next Sunday we will harvest the Ambal Haldi! So dont miss the excitement! Join US!
