Urban Leaves India: Join the nationwide fast on Jan 30 2010 - Say Yes to Brinjal No to Bt

Saturday 30 January 2010

Join the nationwide fast on Jan 30 2010 - Say Yes to Brinjal No to Bt

Dear Sir,

We have been watching with concern the urgency with which the government is trying to push the GM foods agenda on the ignorant Indian populace.

I believe that there is no alternative to changing the government’s position other than to fast and refusing to consume GM products. Eminent scientists and health workers have questioned the safety of these products.

The desirability of these products have also been questioned by economists and social activists, as these are designed to help the multinational company to patent its products while eliminating all competition from traditional products.

The experience of farmers in Mexico(corn) and India(cotton) with multinational food companies is a warning that needs to be heeded. If farmers lose their land and their seeds to multinationals, we can wish goodbye to our precious freedom that the country earned over 60 years ago.

We invoke the spirit of Gandhi and satyagraha to make the government listen to our concerns and show that it stands committed to justice, independence, and social responsibility.

I request you, Honorable Minister, and all other self-respecting citizens to join us on this day of fasting and prayer, and help us to bring about true independence and prosperity for the country and her people.

Thank you,

with warm regards,

Uday Acharya

Managing Trustee

Vidya Vaaridhi Trust
