Urban Leaves India: With small tank at MNP greened, we move up higher!

Thursday, 31 March 2011

With small tank at MNP greened, we move up higher!

       Now that the small tank at the entrance is on its way to becoming green......

.........and productive.
Devi and Vipul
From L to R Neesha, Devi, Preeti and Uday
The cherry and drumstick plants starting to flower .........

We have only to sit back and enjoy natures miracles.

The small tank with mostly fruit trees growing does not require daily care.Once in a way pruning is necessary to help build maximum  canopy of the plants. A good canopy will result in maximum harvest of sunlight, which will result in good storage of nutrients in stem, resulting in abundant fruit!

No more trees will be added on the small tank as there needs to be ample space available for growth of canopy  which will in a couple of years completely fill up the area.

So now the Urban Leaves team has set its sight on greening the larger terrace at MNP.
 We set for ourselves the goal of creating at least 15 heaps by March end. Collected loads of bio dried mass

Aditi set up a timetable for volunteers 
Started work of preparing Amrut Mitti on raised beds.
Yay...... : ) We completed 15 beds by March end.

Meanwhile with the lovely sunshine available here we planted some veggies in containers and tubs.
celery., brinjal 

Soon it will be harvest time!

Will keep u posted. You all must be wondering , for almost two years we have been writing about Amrut Mitti and only Amrut Mitti heaps, building, turning, greening, cutting and so on....
But this is going to change soon my dear friends. 
Get ready for unfolding of evergreen harvest treats!

Love and smiles
Preeti &
Urban Leaves Team