Urban Leaves India: Second National Seminar On Urban Gardening

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Second National Seminar On Urban Gardening

Reap What You Sow, Eat What You Grow!

Urban Leaves invites one and all to the Second National Seminar On Urban Gardening to be held in Mumbai on December 10, 11 & 12th - 2011.

A two day seminar-cum-workshop with an optional half day workshop on preparation of Amrut Mitti (on the third day) is designed to excite and enthuse the experienced urban gardeners across the country and to whet the appetite of novice urban gardeners. We hope the workshop will also be an opportunity for urban food farmers to find and connect with fellow enthusiasts.

This is a pre-invite announcement for many of you from different parts of the country to book/block your train tickets. A detailed invite with registration forms will be sent out within a week.

We expect that our enthusiastic urban gardener friends have already marked their calendars! Now to help the fence sitters to make up their mind, some highlights of what we have planned for you!

Day One: 10th December 2011 - Saturday
·    Earthcare, Peoplecare, Fairshare- Permaculture principles!
Principles of Permaculture by Clea Chandmal
A  bio-technologist  and permaculture practioner who farms in Goa , Clea will have an interactive session with hands on demo of good Urban Permaculture
·    Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food- Hippocrates!
Home remedies & medicinal herbs in urban gardens by Smt. Kusum Dahivelkar
A retired forest officer and expert on medicinal plants in Nasik who runs a nursery called “Hirvepunya” & grows varieties of traditional herbs is also well versed in their medicinal properties.

·    Eating is an agricultural Act – Wendell Berry!
Selfcare is Healthcare is Earthcare -by Anju Venkat
Dr. Vijaya Venkat and Anju Venkat run The Health Awareness Centre (THAC) which advocates a sustainable and healthy plant based diet. They practice healing through diet and correct lifestyle choices.

End of day one with a wonderful opportunity for community cooking and eating in  the COMMUNITY KITCHEN!

Day Two: 11th December 2011 - Sunday
·    Plenty for All – Prof Dabholkar!
Assured calculated yields Natueco Farming - by C. M. Pandit  
A structural engineer by profession, he got interested in Natueco farming and Prayog Parivar, became a close associate of  Prof Dabholkar which continued for 16 years.

·    Reap what u sow!
Participants share experiences –Urban farming case studies from around India
Group discussions, brain storming, games – about community farming!

·    Field visit to urban farming setups

Day Three: 12th December 2011 – Monday - Optional
·    The Miracle Mitti!
Workshop on Amrut Mitti preparation

Venue: Maharashtra Nature Park (MNP), Mahim, Bombay, located in the heart of Mumbai which exemplifies the transition of a waste land into an urban oasis!

Incase you are not able to view the page clearly, download the pdf version of the file.

Team Urban Leaves