Urban Leaves India: Organic or Bt on our plates?

Thursday, 26 November 2009

Organic or Bt on our plates?

Dear Friends,

What is all the fuss about genetically modified food and Bt brinjal? Just how much should you be concerned?

At this juncture, when India is on the verge of approving Bt Brinjal, its first genetically modified food crop – and many more are in the pipeline – Urban Leaves and Navdanya are organizing an event where you can:

· watch a film on the subject

· talk to experts in the matter

· learn to protect yourself, your community and your environment

· understand why the organic, Bt-free path is a far saner option

‘Poison on the Platter’ is a 30 min documentary film directed by Ajay Kanchan and presented by Mahesh Bhatt. It succinctly presents the health effects of GM food, the regulatory situation, and above all, asks us to be aware of what is in our food and to ensure the safety of our food.

The film will be followed by a talk and discussion with Vasant Futane, Bharat Mansata, and Devi Lakshmi Kutty,

Vasant Futane has been practising organic farming for 25 years in Amravati, and also actively promoting watershed management -- soil and water conservation -- for over a decade. He is familiar too with the serious problems faced by Bt cotton farmers of his district.

Bharat Mansata is an author- editor- activist and a co-founder of 'Earthcare Books' (Kolkata), involved in environmental and sustainability issues for over two decades. He most recently authored ‘The Great Agricultural Challenge’ and ‘Organic Revolution’.

Devi is a sustainable agriculture and food activist, associated with Thanal, an advocacy and research group for sustainable agriculture in Kerala.

A suggested voluntary contribution of Rs 50 – to cover costs and to support our outreach work – is requested. Refreshments will be served.

Directions to Maharashtra Nature Park: MNP is located opposite the Dharavi bus depot. The nearest station on the central line is Sion from where you can reach MNP by auto. On the western line get down at Bandra or Mahim Station .Cross to the east side and catch an auto or taxi and ask for Dharavi bus depot. Do not get down at the gate opposite to the bus depot use the one that is away from the bus depot. For more detailed directions please call!