Urban Leaves India: 5 types of containers to begin with

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

5 types of containers to begin with

A bottle cast away, makes an ardent plea
"Make a self watering can devise out of me"

"I may have cracked and to hold water may fail,
But I can still hold plants well", says the battered pail.

"Donot discard me as useless, Oh dear man!
Sow seeds of joy in me" urges the disposed can!

"I've been used enough for washing!" cries the weathered tub,
"Now make me a part of the Urban Leaves Club!"

Earthen pots and thermocol cups and plastic throw-aways are we,
Use us judiciously and some amazing results you will see!

                                                                                        Swati Barve ( my dearest little sis )

To start off a kitchen garden, you dont really have to go out, buy expensive pots and containers.
Have fun with your creativity, give a thought to reusing and recycling stuff around you and you will be surprised at what can be achieved!
Self watering can!

These can be made from recycled Bisleri 1 liter bottles or slightly larger jars.

  •         Take any plastic bottle.
  •          Cut it into half
  •          Drill a hole in the cork
  •          Pass a coir rope or nadi (used to tie pajamas, petticoats)/ rope cut out from old hosiery material through the cork
  •          Invert and place the top half of bottle into the lower half and fill the lower one with water
  •         One end of the rope should come out from top and one end immersed in water.
  •          Fill up the upper part with good nutrient soil and plant saplings like Basil, Tulsi, ginger, garlic, mint ….
Why are these bottles useful?

Plants need moisture and not water. Most of the pests’ attacks on plants, even after using good soil are due to excess watering. When we put too much water it fills up all the air gaps in soil, making it difficult for microbes and soil organisms to breathe and they die. This affects the health of soil and plant as most nutrients from soil are made available to plants by microbes.
Using self watering cans helps us in many ways. 

·         It enables the plant to take in only as much moisture that it needs.
·         It helps conserve water, otherwise wasted due to over watering.
Observe the difference between plants in regular pots and those in self watering cans. Draw your observations and share with friends!

What can be planted in such bottles?

 To name a few.
·         Basil
·         Lemon grass
·         Chillies
·         Garlic
·         Ginger
·         Kadipatta
·         Mint
·         Celery
·         Spinach

Experiment with what you like and use in your food.

Take any plastic bottle              
Cut it into half

drill a hole in the cork
 Pass a coir rope or nadi (used to tie pajamas, petticoats)/
 rope cut out from old hosiery material through the cork
Pass a chord or nadi or coir rope through it
Invert and place the top half of bottle into the lower
half and fill the lower one with water

One end of the rope should come out from top and one end immersed in water
 Fill up the upper part with good nutrient soil and plant saplings 
like Basil, Tulsi, ginger, garlic, mint ….

Other recycled containers

Old buckets are best for larger plant varieties like Brinjal, raddish.
Radish in a bucket gets good depth required

Brinjal in a bucket
Spinach in a biscuit tin. You can also grow Pudina and Mint in it.
Pudina sticks bought from the market can be 
grown again after harvesting leaves.

And last but not least.. here is something I found very fascinating...

A pallet Garden.
From the blog: Life on a Balcony 

Read on about how to make a pallet garden HERE.

There are always ways to learn and share. Not having place to garden is no more true. If one watches and observes in nature there are plants everywhere... in nooks and corners, in between rocks and bricks. 

So lets get started and green our surroundings!

Urban Leaves