Urban Leaves India: Meet the builders of a Green City

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Meet the builders of a Green City

Urban Leaves conducted their first workshop in April 2009 at Maharashtra Nature Park.The first workshop had 30 participants.Every workshop thereafter saw number of enthusiasts rising and an amazing mixture of backgrounds from which they came from.

Teachers, surgeons, lawyers, Engineers, Architects, Home makers, chefs, businessmen, school children.....
you name them, and they were there.

What have been the results of these workshops? Were they effective? Were they fulfilling what they had set out to achieve? Or Did the long drawn process of making Amrut Mitti, handling of cow dung, cow urine, the long wait of 63 days in various stages of greening was putting these city dwellers ( who had as seen a virtual  Farmville life ) off ?

We are happy to share that the results of Amrut Mitti have inspired many. They have put in hard work and are reaping the benefits and inspiring others in turn.

We bring you stories of their ventures. Read about.....

1. Vipul Sanghvi's "Kasturi Vatika" his 1000 sq ft terrace garden at Sion, Mumbai

2. Purvita Kapadia's  "Garden by the Bay" Terrace Garden at Chowpatty, Mumbai

3. Mavis Desouza's terrace garden at Borivali, Mumbai

4. Jyoti Bhave's garden in her frontyard at Chembur, Mumbai

5. Preeti Patil's Balcony garden at Dockyard, Mumbai

6. Nirmala Thakkar's windowsill garden at Matunga, Mumbai

Stay with us!

Team Urban Leaves